We are excited to share that two of our insulation manufacturers were among business leaders making their voices heard by the President. Last week, Mark Andrews, the CEO of Knauf Insulation North America, and Mike Lawrence, VP and general manager for insulating systems at Johns Manville, met with President Obama to discuss and support his HOMESTAR proposal.
The HOMESTAR proposal, also called “Cash for Caulkers” by many, is designed to create jobs and put money directly back in the pockets of energy-conscious homeowners. Energy-efficient upgrades of insulation, duct sealing, water heaters, HVAC units, windows, roofing and doors are eligible for a 50 percent rebate, up to $1,500. Comprehensive energy retrofits can return up to $3,000 in rebates. Only certified contractors can do the installations, ensuring the creation of jobs and that homeowners actually save energy when all is said and done. Check out full details of this $6 billion proposal at http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/fact-sheet-homestar-energy-efficiency-retrofit-program.
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has also shown its support for the program. According to its article, NAHB Commends President’s Proposed Energy Efficiency Incentives, “NAHB economists estimate that every $1 billion in remodeling and home improvement activity generates 11,000 jobs, $527 million in wages and salaries, and $300 million in business income.” As many as four million households could benefit from the program.
“Knauf has always believed that energy efficiency is important…and insulation is the quickest and easiest way to make an impact,” said Andrews, according to a news release posted on InsideINdianaBusiness.com, Knauf Insulation Executive Meets With President Obama. “It’s time to save energy and it’s time to put Americans back to work.” With unemployment in the residential construction segment at nearly 25 percent, we couldn’t agree more.