Here are the top three reasons to insulate your attic according to the Attic Guys! Head over here to read the entire article.
Save Money:
The statistics vary, but some homeowners have reported as much as a 50% savings once their attic has been insulated. How much you save will depend on a multitude of factors, such as the shape of your house and attic, the type of heating in the house, and the climate of the area.
Go Green:
Insulating your attic, according to the Department of Energy, is one of the most important energy-saving projects you can complete in your home. The energy saved with this means less need for energy creation, so power plants won’t need to produce said energy.
Prevent Moisture Problems:
Moisture, ice dams, and condensation can slowly, steadily cause persistent damage in a home, especially on the roof, which can be very expensive to repair. Moisture can also seep inside, and wet insulation is much less effective at keeping in heat.
Henges Insulation in Olathe, Kansas, is a leading contractor in the insulation industry in the Kansas City area. We have provided high-quality products and services to builders, remodelers, designers, architects and homeowners since 1932.